Sunday, November 23, 2008


Brooklyn with Mommy.
Emma playing with the fountian.

Brooklyn Playing with the fountain.

We decided we wanted to do something fun on Saturday. There was a free day at the zoo so we asked Emma if she wanted to go to the zoo or to go swimming she chose swimming. It was the first time Brooklyn had been in a pool and she seemed to LOVE it. They must take after their mom.


Jake and Stephanie Perrin said...

oh fun!! Brooklyn is getting big and so is Emma. We wanna try to come out in the spring time to visit. (when all the storms are done and over with) I did get your email. you should be getting your card this week. We miss ya. So glad you got a blog! :) Take care

Jennie said...

Hey I am so glad Spencer posted this link on Facebook or I wouldn't have ever known about it!!! :) You guys are so cute and I am so glad you finally got around to blogging! Oh...and if you read my blog you will see you aren't the only one in the Twilight 25 year old fan club....

Courtney said...

Hey guys! Beautiful babies, growing up so fast! We have a blog to if you want to stay in touch!

Looks like you guys are doing good! :)